What is Pistol Shooting?

With a lower power (6 ft./lb) and a much smaller barrel, pistol shooting is your close range version of target shooting. Shooting air pistols is one of the most enjoyable and fun forms of target shooting, and the last few years have seen interest in it grow considerably within Meon Valley Airgun Club.

Different Disciplines

The main forms of pistol shooting currently practised at the Club are Pistol HFT and “Standing Orders” (with every shot being taken from a free standing position), with club leagues being run for both. In addition, a Pistol HFT Interclub Series has recently come into being, which enables Meon Valley members to compete against shooters from other clubs in the region, with competitions taking place both on our “home ground” and at “away matches”.

Different Power, Different Distances

All pistols must be within the 6 ft./lb. legal limit for non-F.A.C. pistols, and this means that the targets for pistols are set out at a maximum distance of around 25-30 yards. Although this is quite a bit shorter than the typical distances associated with sub-12 ft./lb. powered air rifles, make no mistake - hitting targets at these closer ranges with a pistol definitely makes for quite a challenge!

Upcoming Pistol Events

Aug 04 - Family Fun Day

Location:Meon Valley – Wallops Woods

W3W: switched.buggy.offshore

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Aug 13 - MVAC Pistol HFT League – Round 4

Location:Meon Valley – Wallops Woods

W3W: switched.buggy.offshore

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Sep 10 - MVAC Pistol HFT League – Round 5

Location:Meon Valley – Wallops Woods

W3W: switched.buggy.offshore

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